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Showing posts from May, 2012
There is never a set back that doesn't come with a small gain.  Many times, we are just too blinded by circumstance that we overlook the good things that are around us. I am disappointed that I will not be teaching summer school, due to some technicality in the district.  My school has to find an ASD teacher, which is rare, to teach my class because of some red tape from the district.  My school has guaranteed that I am coming back next year but cannot officially have me sign the contract til pre-planning in the fall.   Essentially, this means 2 months on only 1 income.  No trip with the kids to Washington D.C. , Baltimore and to visit family over the summer.   My district may not cover my summer ESOL endorsement training and my assistive technology class which I have to complete before deadline as I have to be an active employee to be enrolled. As of next week, I will be officially unemployed. I was so aggravated yesterday watching this play...

I do not understand people sometimes.....

I have to say that one of my pet peeves with any job is watching people that set out deliberately to sabotage their co-workers.   You know the type:   1) Think they know everything.   2) Believe no one is doing their job right.   3) Spend their working hours looking for dirt on you and everyone else instead of actually working.   4) They have beaten a path to the supervisor's office on a daily basis to play tattle tell.   I am not sure what is worse.  The person who does it or the supervisor that acts on the gossip without clarifying whether the tales are true or not.   It is my humble belief that if a supervisor could not trust you to do your job, he or she should make the time to observe you working and draw their own opinions -and- maybe just trust you to be the professional that you are. I have seen so many good, quality workers who have become burned out at work because they couldn't play this g...