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Open Auditions...get real!!!

I read an article today that said Florida is the worst state for unemployment, #49 out of 50 actually. For those of us here in Florida, we are not surprised.

I've had some interesting interviews and things happen along my job hunt. Some of the most memorable included making 3 trips to an office, completed a personality test and showed up for what was supposed to be a serious interview....only to find out that I was one of 70 being interviewed.

Or there was the time that I went to an interview, only to find out it was more like an open audition/casting call for the 250+ people that showed up, lined up around the parking lot for a 3 hour wait for a 3 minute interview for temporary positions. Had I been forewarned that it was not a real interview, I would have not bothered paying for day care and rearranging my day to make it.

Teaching contracts have finally opened. I have about 30 applications pending with the districts. My worst case scenario is continuing on as a sub for the next school year on call for 2 school districts. Today, I had my first interview for a teaching position but the position was beyond my qualifications, teaching web design, html coding and digital media for industry certifications. It required too much technical skills. But, I'm still in the running for other positions.

Because I have a diagnosed disability, I am qualified to receive job hunting assistance from 2 agencies which so far has been very unsatisfactory. They called me about applying for a 3.5 hour per day cafeteria worker (uh, did you not see Master's Degree on my resume? That job wouldn't pay my gas, much less child care and student loans). Or the commission only part time employability specialist position more than an hour from my home.

I spoke with my counselor(s) for the 2 agencies helping me search for work as well as the local job board's employment counselor. The bottom line is, they are overwhelmed by the large number of qualified, educated applicants vs. the number of available positions. They warned me that it could take a year or more to find a job here.

Honestly, Florida is one of the worst places for job hunting. I believe our state unemployment rate is about 12% with our local area being close to that. While other areas have seen their unemployment rates decrease, our area has continued to climb.

I've invested a lot of money into becoming a teacher. The reality is, over 1,000 unemployed teachers with permanent certificates have applied in my county alone for about 150 advertised positions.

I have confidence in myself and my abilities/skills. I do not have confidence in this job market. I wonder honestly....will I find a permanent teaching position this year? Only time will tell.


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