There are two main goals that I have right now: 1) Learning to balance my meals with 1/2 the plate coming from veggies, 1/4 from complex carbs/grains and 1/4 from protein. and 2) Changing my workouts with strength exercises being primary and cardio secondary when pressed for time.
Over the last couple of months, I have been eating large amounts of carbs which has been creating chaos with my blood sugar and insulin resistance. There are days where I have felt really ill even though there is nothing really wrong with me. I have had trouble balancing my eating habits especially when I work out because I get hungry frequently. I've been incorporating more protein into my diet and less carbs which has immediately made me feel fuller longer and honestly, I feel that I have more energy.
They say that if you do something for 21 days straight, it becomes a habit after that. I am hoping that this is true and my efforts will become automatic after that. I'm also following a calorie budget of 10X my goal weight.
I've been trying to follow this same formula for Michael by budgeting 10X his heaviest healthy weight to plan and pack meals for him. The major changes that I have been making in his lunch bag (since I am now packing his meals) is to eliminate prepared lunch box foods like bags of chips and cereal bars. Instead, I am packing several servings of fruit, nuts, 1 light cheese stick, 1 yogurt and by incorporating dinner leftovers (protein, veggies and complex carbs).
My hope is to reduce his dependency as well as mine and our children's on processed foods. The challenge is, that despite my cooking healthier meals, not buying snack foods like chips and cookies and packing lunches, sometimes I feel that my efforts are wasted when I give Michael a large dinner portion, only to have him make popcorn, eat chips or stop at 7-11 on top of that, especially when it is chips and ice cream both for a snack. I also get frustrated when the kids raid the food pantry for snacks frequently. Even though I am stocking healthier options like yogurt, lite cheese, sugar free jello and pudding, fruit, etc., those frequent snacks add up calorie wise no matter what they are made of. It also makes it difficult for me to maintain my efforts when I am around food and snackers constantly.
I need to realize that I can only do my very best, but I cannot make anyone choose to do the same. I cannot make anyone lose weight, exercise or make better choices. I can do my best to make healthy meals and stock a good pantry and cut out eating out or stopping at convenience stores. In the end, each of us has the responsibility to love ourselves and our families enough to be healthy, to quit smoking and prolong our lives. It should not take having a heart attack or cancer to lead you to making changes.
This morning, I was able to make it to Planet Fitness in between taking Avery to his summer program and going to an interview. I feel so much better when I exercise and I feel energized for hours after. So, why is it so hard to maintain a consistent workout schedule? I know that I would be more motivated by having someone to work out with.
Kaitlyn has developed an interest in exercising and I am hoping that she will be my work out buddy. Yesterday, we challenged each other on Wii Fit. Although I could not convince her to use Bright House's On Demand feature for the awesome 10-minute workouts like Bootylicious Buns, Bellydancing, Strength, Abs..... I have been trying to mix it up and do 4 different 10 minute workouts, go to Planet Fitness, walk in the neighborhood, use free weights at home, Yoga and different things to change it up.
Today, I had an interview for a disabled school for a Business Education position. The position is a blend of Special Education and Business Education, which I have a temporary teaching certificate (for 3 years) in both. I am sure I have a good shot at this position because of that as there are not many people that possess that combination of certificates as well as a Master's Degree. I will not know for at least a month. I would take this position if it was offered, even though I am not crazy about the drive from my home. I will continue to put applications in.
I came home and spent the afternoon with the kids at the pool. I will miss these times with them when I return to work.
My goals today are to work on the house, make dinner for our family and spend some time reading.
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