I'm on Day 3 of my 21 Day challenge of following my personal trainer's work out plan. I took advantage of PF's free training sessions with a personal trainer and asked him to structure a workout for me in the same amount of time that I normally work out, but with better results. Sweat was pouring off of me today only half way in. I always try to workout away from others because I'm always self conscious about sweating a lot around others.
I am amazed however, about things people do at the gym. As I was walking past the treadmills today, I see people texting on their cell phones, reading books and even a guy drinking a soda or energy drink from a can. I do listen to music or occasionally, watch a tv show. My favorite is to listen to VH1's Jump Start while running. I am not sure why, but at the end of my workout when I'm cooling down with a slow walk on the treadmill, VH1 always plays Foster the People-Pumped Up Kicks. It's becoming my cool down song. Anyway, when I workout, I always pay attention to my workout and my body and practice being mindful of what I am doing. I think you get more out of your workout that way.
I like the place where I am working out. There is even a guy that works there that is a dead ringer for Adam Levine from Maroon 5. I try to keep a clean water bottle and my headphones in my car for going to the gym. I figure that if I stay prepared, I'm more likely to go. I always struggle with working out for awhile, then getting off track and suddenly its months since I've been. Even though I go out walking around on weekends, its no where near the level I need to be at.
I've been taking a few suggestions from others about how to conquer my constant hunger which is only made worse by working out. I started eating more protein and only eating complex carbs as much as possible. I also am trying to spread my meals out into 4 meals instead of 3. I am also using my daughter's toddler dishes to eat smaller portions. I think the toddler sized dishes are really what a real serving size is and not the super sized dinner plates. I am already seeing a difference in feeling fuller longer.
Tonight, I am making a version of Shrimp and Grits from Cook Yourself Thin Faster Cookbook. I am modifying it a little by serving 2 veggies as a side and eating less grits. I am also using cheese and crumbled bacon to dress it as a garnish rather than smothering it. It can also be spiced up using red pepper flakes or hot sauce. I picked this cookbook up from BAM on clearance, but I also watch the show a couple times a week. The biggest thing I am learning from the show is that you can pretty much eat anything just my swamping out some of the ingredients for less fattening ones.
I had a very vivid dream last night that I was at a school, cleaning and preparing my classroom. I stopped by the office and picked up my contract. I remember opening the envelope and seeing the amount of my contract as $38,936 per year. I am not sure if this is a sign that I will be going to work full time as a teacher or if is just my desires being projected into my dreams. There is about 6 weeks left until school starts. I keep hoping that I will get that call for the right job. I just really want a school close to home, but so far, all of the interviews I have received have been a 30 minute drive or more. If I don't get a full time position, I know I can substitute, but the pay difference is so much more lower--something like $84 per day instead of $211 per day. I feel this tremendous burden to find a good job to provide more for my family.
At this moment, I can only hope, dream and pray. I do believe that things work out according to God's plan and that he will see us through no matter what may come.
7-12-11 Food Journal
7:30 1c. Milk, Small Banana
9:00 1.5 c Oatmeal, Yogurt and 1/4 c blueberries
12:00 2 nectarines, lite cheese stick, 10 pretzel crisps, Lg Sugar-Free Iced Coffee
2:30 2oz Chicken, yogurt, 1c. Milk, Emerald Fruit & Nut pack
6:00 Turkey Burger patty, 2c. Green salad
8:00 Luigis Italian Ice Cup
9:00 1 c. Popcorn
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