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The Domino Effect

I am not sure why this always happen, but it seems that one event can spark a chain reaction that dominoes into all aspects of your life. For me, it started 2 weeks ago when Michael's truck broke down. Two shops, 3 tows and a huge repair bill later, we finally, turned the truck into its final resting place at the auto salvage.

This started a chain reaction of loss of sleep for me from having to pick Michael and usually one of our children up from whatever location they were stranded in, to loss of sleep about worrying how we were going to cover the repairs and finally, how we are going to get by for awhile with only 1 vehicle to share when we work different schedules in different areas of the metro area.

This also led to stress eating and snatched meals to go either en route to or from the pick up locations. Then spiraled into having to miss the gym because Michael needs my car to get to/from class and work.

In two weeks since this started, I have begun to feel not only tired and worn down, but also at times, a little ill from my diet and even like I'm now coming down with a cold. This whole experience has taught me that in times of stress, it is even more critical to take care of yourself.

The pace of my life is picking up again. There are so many things changing. Our children will all be in school this year with Sophie entering school this year with her older siblings. Kaitlyn is starting Middle School. This has prompted a few trips to the stores for new clothes, school uniforms, school supplies and shoes. We are still not done yet.

I am also returning to work as a full time teacher in a private school. I will be teaching upper elementary. With my new work schedule, our home routines are changing with everyone having to be off to different locations at different times. Did I mention, the sharing of one car?

I'm in the midst of planning, writing lesson plans, getting my classroom in order, etc. I have children getting dental appointments and physicals. I'm playing chauffeur to everyone. The pace is definitely picking up.

In addition to my new job, I am also juggling 2 full time teaching programs. I am still working on my autism endorsement and also fulfilling my remaining requirements for my full permanent/renewable teaching certificates.

Despite all of this, I want to maintain my commitment to myself and my family to continue working out and eating healthy. I just need to get a plan in order and get Michael to back me up and help me work it out. It's just a matter of getting organized again and putting a plan in action.

The car issue, we have not quite worked out. We may not be able to buy another one until mid-September. The children's dental/dr appts, back to school expenses and waiting for my first check, all take precedence. That's just the way it is.

I'm going to miss the time that I have had this summer with the kids. At the same time, I am happy to be returning to the career world. As much as I love my family, there are just some things I need for myself.


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