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I cannot believe that I have finished a full semester of teaching 4th grade.  In many ways, I have loved my job and the challenges that it brings.  However, my teaching position is just a starter position and not one I necessarily want to stay in long term.  The salary at the small school where I teach is honestly too low for me to balance the needs of my family and repayment on my student loans.

I've been looking forward to the changes that I hope the next 6 months will bring.  I still have 1 remaining teaching exam (Elementary Education) to take in February.  I am still working as a sub around my full time teaching schedule to keep my fingerprints/background check active with the district.  I am working on my autism endorsement, with only 2 classes remaining and should finish over the summer as one of the classes is not offered until then.  I am also working on my remaining requirements for my permanent certificate, which also will be completed over the summer.  

Hiring season does not kick off until May.  I have decided to expand my job search beyond just the 2 districts where I live, but to expand to some of the many private schools in my area.  There are also some special needs and autism schools here that may be interested in me.  I am just impatient to complete my requirements and land the job that I have been working so hard to achieve.

My job ends 5/31/2012.  I really want to stay home for the summer with the kids and do things with them like traveling to the beach, the parks, library and other fun things.  It is all dependent on whether my savings can last and a few other things we have in the works.  If I have to take a summer job, there are some options, but I would rather be at home this year.

Michael recently received a pay increase on his job.  It is hard to believe that he has been there about 14 months now.  In February, he becomes eligible to apply for promotional opportunities.  He is making more than I am now, which is a tremendous relief for all of us.  I am hoping that he promotes up because this will mean the turning point in being able to shake the bindings of the past off and knowing that we are really moving forward.  For me, that turning point will come when I actually hold the permanent renewable license in my hand and the signing of my teacher contract for the next school year.  

Until that happens for me, I will feel like I am just treading water.  I think we are in an o.k. place.  Our needs are met, we acquired 2 brand new cars which we needed and there is hope for better things.  We are hoping that we will also buy a house this year.  It is all dependent upon how things work out in the next 5 months.  

In many ways, I am learning to budget more and to find ways to do things with the family that does not require a lot of $.  I don't feel the need for new clothes and new things.  Each week, I think I am doing o.k. with covering our expenses and our groceries/gas expenses.  There are always set backs, of course, but overall, I think things are improving.

I am just impatient for the time to pass until I have both my certificate and my contract.  It will mean the turning point in my career-life and have the greatest financial impact for my family.  I have worked so hard and I just want to finally recoup.

2011 brought many changes for us-some good, some bad.  I am, however believing that 2012 will bring great things for us.  


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