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Showing posts from March, 2019

Anniversary Week

This past week was such a lighter week workwise, but I was very busy at home.  I usually spend my weekends playing catch up, running errands, working out, taking teens to jobs and running out for coffee and groceries.  This weekend was no exception. Added to all the normal stuff, I found an error in my pay slip, received a cell phone bill over double what we expected when we upgraded 4 phones this month and one of my teens may have lost his local job.  Things happen.  I am not stressing over it. In the past, this would have been a freak out.  Now, I am learning to deal. I corrected my pay, and I will see it next payday.  I reviewed my phone bill and discovered 4 errors and the phone company corrected it today. As for my teen, he is going to either hope he still can get back on the schedule or he is going to have to find another job.  That falls on his shoulders to work out. My youngest daughter and I have posted all of her clothes online fina...

Spring Forward

March is already half way over!  This month has been bouncing back and forth between Winter and Spring.  Today, it is finally warm enough for me to open some windows and let some air circulate through the house.  One of the benefits of living enough in the country.  I have seen robins starting to make an appearance in the yard.  This makes me hopeful that Spring weather should be coming in soon.   I have been working out this week very consistently.  My back is finally on the mend.  I am happy that I have been able to work out for the most part without pain.  I enjoy going to the gym with the hubs, and I admit, seeing him get all hot and sweaty.  This week my focus has been on consistency.  Getting into a solid routine, focus on cardio, using the hydro bed for sore muscles, incorporating massage.  My focus this week is to track my meals on My Fitness Pal  and incorporate more strength building into my day....

Life Happens 10%

I heard a really great quote today:  "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it."   Check out this amazing 90 /10 Video.   It really gave me a positive boost! This is my theme for the week.  I cannot always control what happens to me, but I am learning how not to immediately panic, make bad decisions or give up.  Focus on the 90%. Things will happen. You throw you back out after planning out your work outs.  You file taxes and discover you owe money.  A child gets the flu when your insurance deductible just started over.  You get a flat tire.  These things will happen.  Sometimes, it will happen at the worst time.   While this song is about a break up, "I will survive" is my motto today.   I have learned to not panic when these things happen.  It was not an easy road to get to this point.  After so many unexpected things to crop up, I have learned over time, the more I try to jum...