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Spring Forward

March is already half way over!  This month has been bouncing back and forth between Winter and Spring.  Today, it is finally warm enough for me to open some windows and let some air circulate through the house.  One of the benefits of living enough in the country.  I have seen robins starting to make an appearance in the yard.  This makes me hopeful that Spring weather should be coming in soon.  

I have been working out this week very consistently.  My back is finally on the mend.  I am happy that I have been able to work out for the most part without pain.  I enjoy going to the gym with the hubs, and I admit, seeing him get all hot and sweaty.  This week my focus has been on consistency.  Getting into a solid routine, focus on cardio, using the hydro bed for sore muscles, incorporating massage.  My focus this week is to track my meals on My Fitness Pal  and incorporate more strength building into my day.  One of my hardest obstacles is that I sit for the majority of my work day.  Because my job is so fast paced, there is rarely any downtime when I am working.  My lunch break is limited to 30 minutes.  There are just not enough moments to sneak in workouts while I am working.  The most I can manage is to stretch and stand occasionally and maybe walk around my desk.  

I've been working on a few side gigs this week.  Managed to get a couple projects posted for my Autism Special Education TPT store.  I want to devote more time to adding additional resources.  My focus this week is to load 3-5 more social or behaviorally focused resources.  

Sophie and I have a side project going on.  She made distinguished honor roll again.  I am really proud of her and her hard work.  She is really putting in the effort to go after something she is passionate about.  There is so much of her dad in her, but every so often, I see glimpses of myself, too.  She wants to pursue music and theater and journalism throughout high school.  She has been teaching herself to play the guitar.  She wants a ukulele for her birthday in May.  She also wants to replace some of her Spring and Summer clothes as she is growing out of everything.

To help her accomplish this, I am working on taking pictures and uploading Sophie's clothing to Mercari.  This is my 1st time posting to this site, so I am learning how to price things and will adjust accordingly.  Check me out: Blissful Butterfly

The week ahead for me is actually shaping up to me a lighter work week for me.  Monday, I have been summoned for jury duty so I get out of the corporate world for a day.  I am not sure if I will be required to stay, but it makes for a change from going to the office.

Tuesday, I had a much planned ahead 1/2 day off to attend another neuro appt as well as the hubs and I have a planned date night at IUS to see Frank Oz, (Yoda, Sesame Street, Muppets).  This is going to be a much needed date night for us.  I am really looking forward to it.  This event is not only much anticipated, but it is a free event, which will fit into our financial goals.  

We have been working on Dave Ramsey's baby steps.  I have changed the way we are budgeting out our bills.  We are greatly reducing our spending and allocating more $ toward paying debt.  I've been meal planning to be more conscious about what we are buying, and hopefully reducing  a lot of waste on throwing out items.  Sophie is a master at refrigerator organization.  Everything is getting paid on time, we have our 1st debt snowball targeted, and we are building up some side hustles and have started our emergency savings.  I still have 2 major expenses to cover: our taxes, then a planned trip to Florida in September when our son gets married.  

This week, I am not able to allocate extra $ toward our debt snowball.  However, I am focusing on building up my side streams. I know that they may not return an immediate windfall, but long term, they will generate some income.  If you have ideas for proven side hustles that work for you, I would love to hear more.  Interested in following me? Check me out at:


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